Coming from the green hills and lovely farm lands of Wisconsin I was surprised that the desert landscape would be such a delight! Brown mountains that show shadows of the clouds and striking views of snow in winter and shades of brown in the summer! Most of all I found the Reno Carmel a community that is loving and caring where each person can develop and grow in ways unsuspected. Perhaps it is because there is a freedom to become your true self.
Trust is one of the essential traits here. God’s face is seen all around even in times where darkness may venture into my space. After 68 years in Carmel this place has changed the way I see life and people, so infused with the Spirit.

Coming from the green hills and lovely farm lands of Wisconsin I was surprised that the desert landscape would be such a delight! Brown mountains that show shadows of the clouds and striking views of snow in winter and shades of brown in the summer! Most of all I found the Reno Carmel a community that is loving and caring where each person can develop and grow in ways unsuspected. Perhaps it is because there is a freedom to become your true self.
Trust is one of the essential traits here. God’s face is seen all around even in times where darkness may venture into my space. After 68 years in Carmel this place has changed the way I see life and people, so infused with the Spirit.